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We share our knowledge and insights with you so that you too can find the path to a conscious, joyful, and passionate life.
Regular Yoga Classes
Types of Yoga We Practice
Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa yoga is a style of yoga practice that harmonizes movement and breath. In a dynamic synchronized sequence of coordinated movements and controlled breathing, we reach a point of concentration that allows complete balance. The sequences of asanas contribute to endurance and deep tranquility, making this form of yoga often referred to as meditation in motion. One of the most well-known exercises in Vinyasa yoga is the Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar). Asanas can be combined in diverse creative sequences, and Vinyasa enables the coordinated integration of different techniques such as pranayama, meditation, and other types of yoga into a unified whole.
Empower your spirit through the controlled sequence of movement and breath, and find your inner peace in this unique and ancient yoga practice.
Yin Yoga
I live a fulfilling life, dedicated to my family and myself. I believe it is essential to carve out time for oneself and solitude, as it is a way to achieve spiritual balance and foster better relationships with the environment. I enjoy socializing, and besides practicing yoga, I lead a healthy lifestyle and follow a vegan diet. Gardening and communicating with plants are also part of my routine, teaching me daily about giving and receiving.
I have been practicing yoga for ten years and have completed various certifications, earning several diplomas from the globally recognized Yoga Alliance. I teach Vinyasa yoga, Yin yoga, Multi-Style yoga both individually and in groups. My mission is to help others become aware of the importance of preserving the healthy nature that sustains us. Mother Earth, who nourishes and supports us, is the source of our strength and inspiration.
If you, too, seek a more fulfilling life, join us at Yoga Balance!
Multystyle Yoga
At Yoga Balance, we also offer theme-based yoga sessions. Thematic modules include specific parts of the body, energy centers, or chakras, seasons, and more. To address each theme comprehensively, we incorporate various styles of yoga practices and other techniques that provide optimal benefits to individuals.
Join us and explore your own limits and possibilities through combined exercises and practices that will enable a more fulfilling life!
Face Yoga
Yoga za lice je skup praksi koje osnažuju mišiće dajući pritom puniji izgled lica, te istežu mišiće i fasciju i daju simetričnu duljinu lica. Pritom mišići, kojih na licu imamo čak 57, izlaze iz stanja tenzije i opuštaju se. Na taj način utječemo na bore koje omekšavaju ili nestaju. Vježbama, masažom i akupresurom djelujemo i na cirkulaciju, limfu te na akupresurne točke koje nam pomažu osvijestiti i opustiti tenzije, kako fizičke tako i one emocionalne.
Yoga za lice kombinacija je akupresurnih tehnika i osnova yoge koje ujedno nude prirodan i učinkovit način da održite svoju kožu elastičnom i očuvate blistav ten.
Online & offline packages
Packages Coming Soon!
* By purchasing the S, M, L, or XL packages of regular yoga classes, you can choose multiple types of yoga to practice.
* The number of attendances is limited by the package size, and their duration is 30 days. Valid for one person only.