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Private Yoga Sessions

You are on vacation and would like to experience one-on-one yoga with a personal yoga instructor at your current location?

Contact Form

Get in touch with us.

Please fill in the required fields with information, and we will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible. Your information will not be used for any other purposes.

Transformative escape for awakening dreams and authenticity in a beautiful sanctuary.

Unique beauty from within and without: self-awareness through a nurturing approach to yoga.

Inner peace in the business world: balance, well-being, and productivity through yoga.

yoga za trudnice

A safe haven for expectant mothers, fostering a connection with the miracle of life.

Personal wellness with a private instructor, even during vacations. Experience unique guidance.

Thematic Workshops

Deep immersion in yoga, self-exploration, and holistic living with the support of a community.

Dive deep into yoga with accredited training for nurturing future instructors.